IIHF Eishockey W2018 - Interview mit Danish Dynamite Morten Green


(IIHF WM 2018/Dänemark) Morten Green hat nach fast zwei Jahrzenten im Trikot der dänischen Nationalmannschaft nach der Eishockey Weltmeisterschaft 2017 in Köln seinen Rücktritt bekannt gegeben. Wir haben uns mit dem Kapitän von Dänemark nach der Weltmeisterschaft unterhalten.


morton green dan


(Foto Stefan Diepold)



Morten, you retired from the national team after 19 World Championship this year at the IIHF Worlds 2017. Next Year could be your 20. World Championship at your hometown, your decission seems one year to early?


Morten Green: The obvious answer is: Yes, it's a year too early. BUT the time is right now. The body does not react completely as the head wants it and I want to stop while I'm still on top.




You missed the quarterfinals in cologne, but you beat the german team. Could you please tell us about this World Championship 2017 in cologne?


Morten Green: I have been so privileged to play two World Cups in Cologne and there are no doubt that these two are amongst the best experience I’ve ever had with World Championships in my career. The atmosphere of sports events in Germany, and the culture that surrounds it, is completely wild in a good way. I have also been lucky to play three years in German ice hockey, and I would have liked to play for more years because it's simply just such a good country to play top sport in.




Do you remember the beginning of your Career with the National Team?


Morten Green: I can easily remember the start. When I came up as young, I were the lowest in the hierarchy, but quite a short time after I started, some of the more routine players stopped, and at a very early age I was high up in the hierarchy. And when I look back on it, maybe I was not ready for it, at least not mentally, so it was pretty hard in the beginning in many ways, that's for sure.





What have changed in Danmark Hockey the last 19 years?
Morten Green: In general, Danish ice hockey has moved from the bottom of the B Group to the middle of the A Group during the twenty years I've been involved. The biggest difference is the talent-work that is being done in clubs and in the union. The focus is much more on the young players being mentally and physically prepared for the transition from youth player to senior player.




Tell us, what was the important victory in your career, and the a really sad moment?


Morten Green: Best moment was to win the B group and move up to the A group in 2002. Many of the old players were stopped back then and therefore we were many youngsters that year. There was no pressure and expectations, but then we won it all and, I did it with some of my best friends, who I still have today. The biggest disappointment was when we missed the Olympic qualification in September 2016.




The next Worlds2018 take place in your home country, how important is this for your little country?


Morten Green: It can hardly be described. It's huge. When I started at the national team, we almost did not expect we could join the A group and establish ourselves. And now after 15 consecutively years in the A group, we are going to host the World Championship. It's almost utopia, and it's going to be a huge task to solve for Ice Hockey-Denmark. But we're ready to do it, and I'm sure it will be a fantastic World Championship.




How do you think about this Headline... "Danmark needs his leader, Morten Green returns back to the National Team an plays his 20. World Championship in Denmark 2018"


Morten Green: Dream on, ha ha. I’ve made up my mind and I'm completely clarified that my job is done with the Danish Ice Hockey national team.



Short Questions


favorite food? Spareribs and all barbecue food
favorite drink? a cold beer
first thought about germany? There is a fantastic sports culture in Germany and friendly people everywhere. I can not remember a match where there were not many fans in their jerseys. I hope to see a lot of them in Denmark next year.
best world championship in your career? There have been so many, but as I said before, the two in Cologne are very big for me. The first one in 2010 we reach the quarterfinals, and the last one was special as it was my last one. 




wm2018 danmarkDie 82. IIHF Eishockey Weltmeisterschaft 2018 findet in Copenhagen und Herning (Dänemark) statt. Für das kleine Land Dänemark ist dies zugleich die Premiere, denn bislang hatte man lediglich Nachwuchs Weltmeisterschaften und Turniere für die Olympiaqualifikation ausgerichtet und noch nie eine A-Weltmeisterschaft.


Informationen über alle Weltmeisterschaften, Olympische Spiele seit 1910 bis heute findet Ihr auf unserer Webseite www.eishockey-deutschland.info



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